Abderrahmane G.

Abderrahmane G.

Full Stack JavaScript Developer

Request Rate
France, Montpellier

Abderrahmane is an experienced Full Stack Developer with a large number of successfully completed projects in the computer software industry. He’s been working in web development for more than 3 years. Abderrahmane is mainly focused on JavaScript: React on the frontend and Node.js on the backend.


  • Javascript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • HTML
  • CSS


Research Company, Remote

Full Stack Developer (Freelance)

November 2019 to February 2020


  • TypeScript, 
  • React, 
  • Node, NextJS
  • Bulma (CSS), 
  • MongoDB

Projects and Responsibilities:

  • My work with the team consisted of creating a new website for their product to replace their old one. The priority was to ensure that the new website provides a great user experience, allows for easier shopping of their product, is integrated with MailChimp for marketing purposes, is optimized for SEO, and loads up fast on both desktop and mobile. 

Human Resources Company, Remote

Full Stack Developer (Freelance)

August 2019 to December 2019


  • JavaScript, TypeScript, 
  • C, Docker, Microsoft Azure, 
  • React, Node,
  • NextJS, NestJS, 
  • MongoDB.

Project and Responsibilities:

  • I was a solo developer on both frontend and backend working on a technical testing platform

Gaming Company, France

Full Stack Developer

February 2019 to August 2019


  • React/Redux, 
  • Java (Google Guice), 
  • PostgreSQL

Project and Responsibilities:

  • Creation of a new admin area for the sales team;
  • Refactoring of the payments process

Non-Governmental Organization, Morocco

Web Developer

October 2017 to December 2018


  • JavaScript, 
  • Java, 
  • React, 
  • Node, 
  • MySQL, MongoDB, 
  • Linux, Nginx


  • Creation and maintenance of multiple websites for local NGOs

Web Development Company, Morocco

Web Developer

September 2016 to October 2017


  • PHP
  • WordPress

Project and Responsibilities:

  • Creation of a new ticket management system.
  • Organisation of two startup event (with over 600 participants)


National School of Applied Sciences

September 2013 to July 2018


Embedded Systems Engineer


Virtual skylight startup
November 2019 - January 2020
Virtual skylight startup
November 2019 - January 2020

The company was founded in 2013 with the goal of creating a wall mountable 3D display so realistic they could be used as substitutes for physical windows. These windows would allow us to view real and fantastical worlds through what appeared to be a portal in the wall or ceiling. An expert team of optical, mechanical, software, and manufacturing engineers was assembled to tackle this problem and several years of intense research and development commenced.

My work with the team consisted of creating a new website for their product to replace their old one that dated from 2015. The priority was to ensure that the new website provides a great user experience, allows for easier shopping of their product, is integrated with MailChimp for marketing purposes, is optimized for SEO, and loads up fast on both desktop and mobile. As the sole developer on this project, I worked on both the front-end and back-end for the new website.

Technologies used:
React, Node.js, MongoDB
HR startup
August 2019 - December 2019
HR startup
August 2019 - December 2019

The company aims to provide a technical testing platform that uses a variety of question types and technologies to provide accurate ranking of potential candidates based on their skills. Jobzilla’s aim is to offer services to improve the HR process of our clients, such as a remote interviews feature and potential sourcing for developers. Jobzilla’s vision is to help any company filter through hundreds of CVs and hire the best candidate in less than two weeks.

Initially, my role was a backend developer along with two other developers who were doing frontend. Working with them was great and we got along well, but they had some issues with the client and it didn’t work out. I ended up working solo on the project doing both the front and backend, it was challenging but the project turned out relatively well. Jobzilla uses a microservice architecture with four different services: The public website that’s server on the root domain, the client’s area where hiring managers can create, send, and review tests, an ide where candidates pass their tests, and a REST api that is used on all the other services.

Technologies used:
Javascript, Node.js, React, MongoDB
Gamification Company
February 2019 - August 2019
Gamification Company
February 2019 - August 2019

A technology company editing an online platform for developers, allowing them to play with programming with increasingly difficult puzzles, to learn to code better with an online programming application supporting twenty-five programming languages, and to compete in multiplayer programming contests involving timed artificial intelligence, or code golf challenges.

I’ve worked as a full-stack developer in a team of twelve developers. During my time with the company I completed a variety of tasks on the frontend, backend, and a bit of database management. One of the most notable features that I worked on is the creation of a new administration area for the sales team to automate clients management, which was required due to the growth of the company and the increase in the number of clients that we had. Another challenging task that I worked on was the refactoring of the payment workflow and the refactoring/split of some tables on our database, for example we used to store both the user and company information together but I refactored it to decouple the data and reduce the complexity of the codebase.

Technologies used:
Javascript, Java, AWS, Node.js, React
Non-Governmental Organization
October 2017 - December 2018
Non-Governmental Organization
October 2017 - December 2018

A non-governmental organization whose goal was to help local companies and artisans get an online presence to improve their services and gain more international clients.

I was part of a four person technical team, our job was to create a great website for a variety of businesses (we worked with over 35 local companies). My role was mostly frontend development although I helped a bit with the backend when needed. One of the most challenging tasks that I’ve worked on was creating a new custom e-commerce store and implementing i18n to translate the store to 5 different languages for a local company that sold Argan oil.

Technologies used:
Javascript, Java, Node.js, React, MongoDB, MySQL